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Our Subteams



Here we learn about what's currently going on in the field of neurotech through reading a variety of literature. This is meant to start conversations about new project ideas that we can pursue in the future.


Signal Acquisition

Here we help determine which specific brain-computer interface method we want to use in a particular project. This can range from headsets that record electrical activity of the brain from the scalp through using EEG or measuring muscle response from a nerve's stimulation. We also develop modifications to these methods.


Signal Processing

Here we use functions and algorithms to filter out noise to get closer to true neural signals. This involves preprocessing and extracting neural oscillations. This way we are able to obtain relevant data that can be applied to the other subteams.


Machine Learning

Here we create models to calibrate signals with specific actions or external events. We use various algorithms including artificial neural networks, k-nearest neighbors, and linear regression.


Software & Web Development

Here we develop visual interfaces that provide a way to monitor signals in real-time and interact with the rest of the system.


3D Printing

Here we develop real life models that can be applied to our particular project.


Robotics/Virtual Reality

Here we take machine learning models and live signal data to control robotics actions or a virtual reality avatar or a keyboard. We do this through taking live filtered signal and uses machine learning models to determine project actions.



Here we organize collections of resources, presentations, faculty talks, hackathons, summer schools, and monthly workshops that are based on each subteam/project. This allows for continuous learning for all of our members.


Social Outreach

Here we actively work towards recruiting new members. We also upkeep our various social media accounts and organize social events for our members.



Here we gather funding from the university and build partnerships with other organizations and universities, further expanding our network and impact on the field.

Subteams: Services
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